How to compact paper waste

Optimise paper waste management with a baler for efficient waste handling.

Paper waste is often found as newspapers, paper bags and sacks, magazines, as well as shredded materials. Empty paper bags and other paper waste can take up a lot of space in your stock room, in your store or on your dock. Use our equipment for paper waste management, and save on disposal costs and free up space by compacting with a baler or compactor.

Vertical balers

Compact balers designed for the efficient handling of paper waste, easily positioned at the waste source to create vertical bales.

Horizontal balers

Suitable for high-volume paper waste, these balers offer continuous loading.


Versatile compactors that can be tailored for any paper waste management requirement.


  • Expensive container rental
  • Cluttered work area poses safety risks
  • Inefficient waste management
  • High environmental impact from unsorted waste


  • Lower waste management expenses
  • Enhanced workspace cleanliness and safety
  • Revenue from selling baled paper
  • Streamlined workflow

Which waste fractions do you struggle with?

Shredded paper

Shredded paper can be highly compressed in a baler or compactor. There is a big difference between the types of shredded paper, but whatever form it appears in, it can be compacted.

With the placement of a baler at the waste source, you can get much better internal logistics and save time on your employees’ waste handling.


Paper bags

Empty paper bags come in several shapes, sizes, and variations. To help you find the right baler for your needs, contact us for a consultation.

Before choosing a baler, consider your waste type, volume, and needs. Some paper bags are lined with plastic film or organic material, which may require a certain size and build of baler.




Newspapers can be easily baled into transportable, high-density units.

Ensure all newspapers are unbound for optimal compression.

Based on your output, choose between a vertical or horizontal baler.


Vertical balers

Watch how our B4 baler works

Due to their compact size, B4 Balers easily handle paper waste for small businesses.


Watch how our B-series balers work

Balers in the B-series have cylinders on top and are made for basic compaction like cardboard, paper and soft plastic.


Watch how our X-series balers works

Balers in the X-series have cross cylinders inside for strong compaction of several recyclable waste fractions.

Horizontal balers

Watch how our CC50 & CC40 balers works

The CC50 has a manual-tie and built-in tipping system, while the CC40 model, has a fully-automatic bale ejection system. Both machines handle large waste volumes with ease.

Mobile compactors

Watch how a self-contained compactor works

A self-contained compactor offers versatile solutions for companies to manage their various waste fractions effectively.

Stationary compactor

Watch how a stationary compactor works

Suitable for handling very large amounts of waste, stationary compactors come with a press unit and movable container.

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Country Manager
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